love: personal growth

Pep Talk: Start Living Your Dream Life

Your dream life… Can you picture it?

Take a moment and think about what your dream life is to you…

What do you wish you could be doing every day to make you your happiest self?

Are you by yourself? Are you with the love of your life? Your friends? Your kids?

Do you go to work in an office every day? Do you work outside? Working from home and setting your own schedule?

Maybe you’re a stay-at-home mama, or maybe you’re traveling the world?

I’m working on my dream life right now, and I have a vision for my end goal.

Myself, my husband, and my babies are outside enjoying the sunshine on the weekends. I can feel the ocean breeze while we’re in the backyard of our beach-front house.

During the week, I set my own schedule and I work from home. I’m finally happy with my career and love what I do for a living.

Whatever your dream life is, now is the time to get started on it.

I’m going to sound super cliche right now… but you only live once.

What are you waiting for??

Live your life for you. Do what makes you happy and get started on that dream life of yours.

Feeling motivated yet?

Click here to learn how to start living your dream life.

love: inspiration love: personal growth

Easy Side Hustles For Every Personality

A ‘side hustle’ is defined as:
A part-time job or occupation undertaken in addition to one’s regular employment.

Basically, a side hustle is work that you do on the side of your normal job for some extra money.

Having a ‘side hustle’ has become an incredibly common thing in today’s world… When the price of nearly everything has gone up (like, right now) who doesn’t want a little extra spending cash or some extra help getting the bills paid??

If you’re anything like myself, you’re working a 9-5 job, craving something more in life, and if that extra something includes an opportunity for added income… well, then that’s a huge bonus.

Money isn’t everything – but most of us know how stressful it can be to not have enough to get by. If you can start a side hustle that’s related to something that brings you happiness, that’s amazing.

Side Hustle Idea #1

Selling items on Facebook Marketplace.

How it works:
Becoming a seller on Facebook Marketplace is actually extremely easy. You’ll of course need a Facebook account… Once you’re logged in, access the Facebook Marketplace my clicking on the icon.

You’ll want to take decent photos of whatever you’re selling.

Really the options are almost endless. You can sell clothing, household appliances, kid’s toys, dog beds, video games, house decor, and what I’m starting to work on right now... your old wedding decor.

Once you take a photo of the item(s) you want to sell, just set your price!

This side hustle is good for people who:
Have a Facebook account, of course
Are willing to separate themselves with certain items
Have too many clothes in their closet and could benefit from a closet clean-out

Selling your unwanted items can bring you both extra cash and happiness. I know I’d love to get rid of some old home decor and clothes that I haven’t worn in over a year… But making money while I do it? YES!

Girl, grab a box and start going through that closet.

Side Hustle Idea #2

Become a delivery driver.

Okay, now I’ll be honest, at first I felt like this definitely was not the side hustle for me.

First of all, I’m a huge introvert. Going into restaurants or grocery stores to pick up items and then deliver them to a person’s house sounds equally awkward and terrifying to me.

Secondly, I get super anxious driving places that I’m not super familiar with.

However, I gave this side hustle a little more thought… and I realized how much fun it could be to go basically go “shopping” with my husband and then drive around to deliver the food or items with him.

Doing this together not only rids myself of the fear of going places alone, but it also counts as a fun little date night once a week!

How it works:
This is different with each company that you decide to apply for, but check out their website and you’ll be instructed on how to become a driver for their company.

Companies to check out:
Food Dudes
Door Dash
Grub Hub
Walmart Delivery

This side hustle is good for people who:
Have a car, obviously
Are comfortable with shopping by themselves
Are comfortable with following directions and driving alone
Have a significant other or friend to join them for the fun

Side Hustle Idea #3

Complete surveys online.

This might not be the highest paying side job out there… but it sure ranks high on the easy list.

Literally all you need is a way to get onto the internet and some free time and you’re good to go!

Website to check out that are actually legit:
Survey Junkie
Zap Surveys
Life Points
Inbox Dollars
Opinion Outpost

This side hustle is good for people who:
Enjoy staying home, sitting on the couch, and answering simple questions about your lifestyle or your opinion on various topics.

Side Hustle Idea #4

Proofread papers.

I’ll start off by saying this side hustle definitely isn’t for everyone… but for the right person, this side hustle can be amazing.

If you’re a grammar nerd like myself, you’ll appreciate sitting at your computer, correcting people’s grammar mistakes, and getting paid for it.

Online companies to apply at:
Polish Paper
Proofreading Services
Lion Bridge

This side hustle is good for people who:
Want to stay at home while they work
Have education in proofreading
Are just really, really good with pointing out spelling and punctuation errors

Side Hustle Idea #5

Selling T-Shirts.

This one is actually really cool! It sounds way more complicated than it is, I promise.

Have you ever heard of the website Printify? Me neither until recently. Printify has tons of products like t-shirts, coffee mugs, and socks that are blank and ready for you to customize.

Printify has a free generator that allows you to upload your own design (so cool right?) to get printed onto your shirt, mug, etc. is an amazing website where you can design your own images, logos, or even just quotes with a super cute background. I can’t say enough how much I love this website! I literally use it almost every day to design my social media images for this blog and for my regular 9-5 job. Canva is free but has options to upgrade. Use Canva to make your design and then upload it to Printify.

Once you’re happy with your design and your product of choice, promote your product on your website or onine store such as Etsy. Printify does the rest of the work for you! They print, package your product, and get it shipped out for delivery.

You pay the base price for the shirt (or whatever product) and then keep the profit of the sale! So cool!

This side hustle is good for people who:
Enjoy creating designs
Have an imagination or open mind
Have really cool design ideas in their head already!

Well, are you ready to start that side hustle?!

While there are so many side hustles out there for you to choose from, I hope this list helped you. Whether it gave you a little insight, helped you find a side hustle that really works for you, or even just increased your motivation.

Put your free time to good use and make some extra money for yourself to put towards that car payment, buy those boujie skincare products you’ve been eyeing up, or start that life you’ve always dreamed of.

You can do it!