love: inspiration love: personal growth love: self-care

You Are Worthy of Your Dreams

Everyone has a dream.

Not a dream like you have when you’re sound asleep – but a dream that you feel deep inside your bones that you long for.

The majority of us think of our dreams as something unattainable, something too good to come true.


Your dreams are important and quite frankly, too good NOT to come true.

We live on this earth, dealing with chaos and stressors related to family, work, school, politics, health, friends, relationships… the list goes on.

We work our butts off in hopes to retire when we turn 65 or 70 years old.

But WHY are we doing this??

Why are we waiting until our life is more than half over to start doing what we love and start living our DREAMS??

Many self-limiting reasons come to mind when we think about the why.

Time, money, responsibilities… But one reason that might not come to you right away, the one reason that might actually be the most important, is self-worth.

The #1 reason why people aren’t out there pursuing their dreams is because they lack a sense of self-worth and self-confidence.

What is self-worth?

Self-worth is defined as an internal state of being that comes from self-understanding, self-love, and self-acceptance.

Self-worth is unshakeable and steady, because of that it holds the power to completely transform your life for the better.

When you have a high level of self-worth, you have faith in yourself. You believe that you are worthy of your dreams – whether that be happiness, wealth, freedom, success, or love.

Okay, you get it. Having self-worth is amazing and pretty much necessary to go after your dreams and everything you desire for yourself.

Soooo how do we gain a sense of self-worth?

It’s simple really. The key is that you need to get to know yourself on a deeper level. Understand who you are and how you see yourself.

To do this, ask yourself these 4 questions:

  1. What are your 3 favorite qualities about yourself?
    This can be anything about yourself that you like. It can be your personality, your drive for success, the way you look, the way you dance… Just think of 3 qualities you possess that you love. Now consider how each of these qualities can help lead you to personal or professional growth.

  2. What are 3 qualities that you wish you had?
    Okay, now on the other hand, think of 3 qualities that you don’t see in yourself but wish you did. Think about why these qualities are important to you. It is now a goal of yours to develop these qualities; come up with a plan to attain them.

  3. What is a fear that you overcame and how did you do it?
    Overcoming a fear of yours shows true growth. This fear of yours can be anything from going to the doctor, to speaking up to your boss about a concern, to interviewing for a job that feels above your pay grade. Regardless of the outcome, you did it. Remind yourself of what steps you took to help yourself be so courageous and confident.

  4. How do you define success for yourself?
    It can be helpful for you to define your own success and what you wish to attain for yourself. Once you spend some time to reflect on this, it will be easier for you to create an environment that encourages you to meet those goals.

Once you can fully understand and answer these questions, you will be able to carve a path for yourself to continue to work on your confidence and grow your sense of self-worth.

Need a little motivation to start really working towards your dreams?

Check out my pep-talk: Start Living Your Dream Life

love: personal growth

Pep Talk: Start Living Your Dream Life

Your dream life… Can you picture it?

Take a moment and think about what your dream life is to you…

What do you wish you could be doing every day to make you your happiest self?

Are you by yourself? Are you with the love of your life? Your friends? Your kids?

Do you go to work in an office every day? Do you work outside? Working from home and setting your own schedule?

Maybe you’re a stay-at-home mama, or maybe you’re traveling the world?

I’m working on my dream life right now, and I have a vision for my end goal.

Myself, my husband, and my babies are outside enjoying the sunshine on the weekends. I can feel the ocean breeze while we’re in the backyard of our beach-front house.

During the week, I set my own schedule and I work from home. I’m finally happy with my career and love what I do for a living.

Whatever your dream life is, now is the time to get started on it.

I’m going to sound super cliche right now… but you only live once.

What are you waiting for??

Live your life for you. Do what makes you happy and get started on that dream life of yours.

Feeling motivated yet?

Click here to learn how to start living your dream life.

love: inspiration love: personal growth

Start Living Your Dream Life

Feeling ready to start that dream life of yours?

Step number 1 is defining for yourself what your dream life truly is…

So, if you don’t know what exactly that looks like, or you feel like you just can’t get there, here’s a quick pep talk before you go any further.

Ready now? Have a seat, get cozy, and just focus for these next few minutes.

#1. Determine what your dream life looks like.

Consider the who, the where, and the what. Be honest with yourself, what do you want out of life?

Right now, some of these things you’re envisioning might be out of your comfort zone or feel too good to be true.

But those dreams are in your heart for a reason; get real and come to the conclusion that you can achieve anything if you put in the work.

#2. Put a plan together and start taking step-by-step action.

Break down you dream life into categories and make a plan with steps for each category.

Consider this… If you want to lose weight, you should start by making a plan consisting of a healthy diet, exercise schedule, etc.

If you want to quit your job and start traveling the world, you should start by making a plan of how you’re going to financially support yourself. Do you have an emergency fund, will you be working remote and on the go?

Having a dream and just “winging it” can be extremely stressful and overwhelming.

If you break it down and make a plan, you’ll find that your dream is attainable if you just follow the steps to make it happen.

#3. Stay focused and intentional.

Stay focused and adjust the way you see the world. “Your beliefs create your consciousness, your consciousness creates your reality, and your reality is maintained by the way your mind filters information.”

Here’s an example:

You find a new car that you love, and you make the purchase. It’s yours. Suddenly, you realize you are seeing that same car out on the road everywhere you go.

Now obviously, you know that not all of these cars were purchased on the same day that you got yours… you’re just noticing them more now.

When you bought your new car, you were sending the signal to your mind that “this car is important to me”. Because of that, your mind is now showing you these cars that have always been there.

If you focus your attention on what you want and what you need to do, opportunities will become more noticeable to you.

#4. Consistency (and courage) is key.

Being consistent in your plan is very important.

Think of all the steps you need to work on right now to get closer to living your dream life and try to turn them into habits.

Eventually, we will all have a day (multiple days, actually) that we feel like giving up on our plan.


Allow yourself to take a break… but after a day or two, revisit what your dream life looks like and remind yourself why you’re working so hard to get there.

Jump back into it once you find your motivation and have the courage to keep moving forward.

#5. Put a stop to any self-limiting beliefs.

There’s no doubt about it, everyone working towards their dream life will at some point be hit by a self-limiting belief.

It’s important to learn how to overcome these limiting beliefs that you might have about yourself.

Identify what your self-limiting beliefs are and how they impact the way you live your life.

An example of this is thinking you are not worthy or qualified enough. In return, you might never allow yourself to apply for opportunities leading to your dream career.

Another example is thinking that you cannot handle conflict or confrontation. In return, you might never stand up for yourself and find yourself giving into others even when you disagree.

Once you identify your self-limiting beliefs, challenge yourself by developing new behaviors and positive beliefs.

Also, take a moment to think back on all the things you have accomplished. Have you proved any of your self-limiting beliefs wrong while accomplishing those things? Most likely.

Self-limiting beliefs only cause you to have a negative mindset.

Work on your mindset and your confidence and keep working towards those dreams, girl. I believe in you!

Remember, life is short.

Don’t waste your time being unhappy when you can be achieving your goals and living your dream life.

Your dream life is not only attainable, but also important.

love: personal growth love: self-care

10 Things You’re Not Doing That Are Killing Your Productivity

I love a lazy Sunday spent binging Netflix on the couch as much as the next gal, but I know how important it is to stay productive. I’m not saying you should quit your lazy Sundays all together (I know I won’t!) but allow yourself to have a good mix of ambition in with it.

We all have dreams, right? Even if we don’t think about them every day, we all have things that we desire and a life that we wish for.

I have a powerful little equation for you:
Self-care + mindset = productivity = success

You read that right. Achieving your dreams starts with self-care.

I’ll say it again… achieving your dreams starts with self-care. This is so important.

In order to live your best life and find success, you need to be productive. In order to be productive, you need to have the right mindset… Finding the right mindset only happens when you truly take care of yourself.

If I was a grumpy, sad, glass half-empty kind of person, I would not be doing what I am doing right now. Instead, I make time for me and practice self-care so that I can show up here on my blog, do what I love, and create my dream life.

Here are 10 things you’re probably not doing that are totally killing your productivity. I’ll let you take a guess what #1 is…

#1 Practice Self-Care

Woohooo! You guessed right, right?

Have you ever been neck deep in life, stressed out, feeling like you just can’t catch a break? Working too hard nonstop can cause you to burn out.

Whether you’re working too hard at your 9-5 job, working too hard at home for your family each night, or even if you have your own blog and you’re working too hard to constantly try and make your blog better… you need to make yourself a priority.

If a nap is what you need, nap. If you could benefit from a professional massage, book the massage. If you just need a night to yourself to binge Netflix and eat salt and vinegar chips, do that.

The point is, do not forget to take care of yourself. You need to be healthy and happy before you can put all of your focus into something else to create your dream life. Find balance.

#2 Set Goals

Take a moment and jot down your dream. Now jot down some of the things you need to accomplish before you can get there. Next, identify how you can accomplish each of those tasks to get you one step closer to living your dream. These are your goals.

Instead of setting 1 or 2 huge goals, set 8-10 smaller goals to reach those big ones.

You’ll feel accomplished and motivated each time you reach a goal.

#3 Reward Yourself

Okay, this sort of ties in with self-care… I just really love self-care, okay?

But no, this is a little different. Self-care is something you should always work on for yourself no matter what. Rewarding yourself because you reached one of your goals brings you a sense of accomplishment and honor.

When setting your goals, write down next to each one what you can reward yourself with. This can be something as simple as making popcorn and renting a new Redbox movie or purchasing a new pair of jeans that you’ve been eyeing up.

Reward yourself and celebrate you getting one step closer to achieving your dreams.

#4 Rid Yourself of Distractions

This one sounds like a no-brainer, but it’s something I struggle with all the time.

Distractions aren’t only the TV being on in the background… for me it’s having my phone next to me, my Apple watch on and vibrating every time I get a notification, and my husband being home. Yep, my husband is my biggest distraction (sorry babe).

Create a distraction-free space for yourself.

I like to light a candle, get comfortable with a fuzzy blanket, and focus in a room by myself.

I realize we all have very different goals – getting comfortable and lighting a candle might not help you achieve your goals, but my goal is creating quality content for you lovlies, so it’s a yes for me!

Either way, just give yourself space to really focus.

#5 Figure Out Your Peak Hours

I am an early bird… definitely not a night owl. Therefore, if I try to be productive any time after 8:00 PM, I’ll no doubt be a struggle bus.

To be productive, you need to figure out when your peak hours are and aim to get your tasks done during those hours.

If you’re a person who has the hardest time waking up in the morning, being productive before the afternoon hits probably isn’t your best bet.

My peak times are 30 minutes after I wake up, and then again immediately after dinner. What are your peak times?

#6 Get Some Vitamin D

Did you know that vitamin D can almost immediately increase your energy levels?

Whether you’re sitting on the deck soaking up some sunshine or taking vitamin D supplements, you’re sure to combat fatigue and improve your overall health.

#7 Breaks Are Powerful

When some people think “productive”, they think you need to be working for your goals constantly. That’s not the case. Productivity is about working efficiently, not continuously.

Make scheduled breaks for yourself throughout the day. For example, every hour on the hour, allow yourself 5 minutes for an active break.

Yes, I said active. Don’t let yourself fall into a trap and get tired on your break. Try going for a little walk to boost your energy.

Coming back from a break is like hitting restart. You’ll be able to sit back down with a fresh mind and be more productive than if you were tired and burnt out from working too long.

#8 Routines Are Key

Have you ever heard the saying that it takes 21 days to make a habit out of something? Well, that’s a great start… but actually, studies show that it takes 66 days to build a new habit.

Set a goal for yourself to get to work during your peak hours every day.

Think of that time as an appointment that you have with yourself that you can’t miss – just like if you had a doctor appointment.

If you continue to (hate to say it but…) force yourself to focus and work on your goals during those same times every day, it will stop becoming a daunting task and start becoming more of a fundamental part of a your daily life.

#9 Sleep Is Goooood

I’m not good at this one… but I try. I think every knows how important sleep is for your mind, body, and soul. But some of us over-achievers tend to put sleep on the backburner in order for us to complete more tasks.

Here’s the thing: Sleep deprivation completely destroys productivity.

Most adults need 6-8 hours of sleep each night. Your brain will not work correctly and up to your highest standards if it is tired, stressed, and overworked.

Make sure you allow time for yourself to chill out, take work off your mind, and relax.

Have a hard time clearing your mind and falling asleep at night? Try lavender scented candles to promote relaxation. Another good strategy is to stay off your phone right before bed! Your device actually has a ton of power over your sleep pattern.

#10 Find Passion in What You’re Doing

I know not all of your goals are something that you LOVE to do. But try to think of the positives and remind yourself of the good that will come by achieving your goals.

I’ll use myself as an example.

If I was writing this blog post about cars, I would dread every minute of it. I don’t know anything about cars and I don’t care to learn about them either, lol.

Instead, my blog focuses on self-growth and wedding planning. Two things that I am passionate about.

Not only do I get to talk about topics that I love, but I also get to help my readers in the process, and that’s something I really love.

If you find passion in what you’re doing, it’ll make it easier for you to work towards. You’ll actually enjoy doing it. 🙂

Now work towards those dreams, girl!