love: personal growth love: self-care

10 Signs You’re an Introvert

Do you enjoy spending time alone? Are you usually ‘the quiet one’ in a group of others? Do you find yourself making excuses to stay in your cozy robe at home rather than attending a party?

If that sounds like you, you might be an introvert just like me.

What really is an introvert?

I’m sure you’ve heard the word before – but many people have misconceptions of what it really means to be an introvert. Let’s clarify!

An introvert is someone who prefers calm, minimally stimulating environments. While some introverts might enjoy socializing with friends, after a while it leaves us feeling drained; this is when we need alone time to recharge ourselves.

Did you know that 30-50% of people in the U.S. are introverts?

It’s perfectly normal and you shouldn’t feel any shame.

One misconception that people have regarding introverts is that they wish they weren’t introverts…

This isn’t the case! The majority of introverts are happy with their chill lifestyle and wouldn’t trade their cozy, quiet alone time for anything.

Thinking you might be an introvert?

Here are 10 signs that you’re probably right.

1. You enjoy spending time by yourself.

This is likely the most obvious one. While many introverts enjoy a bit of social time, we still look forward to getting home, getting cozy, and soaking in the silence. Introverts require this alone time to recharge from socializing. This doesn’t mean we like to be alone all the time… Yes, we like to be alone – but we don’t like to be lonely.

2. You feel lonelier surrounded by others than when you’re actually alone.

When you’re surrounded by a group of others who are not introverts, you feel pressured to be chatty and make conversation. You begin to feel socially awkward, shy, fatigued, and disconnected from your true self. Feeling out of place or that you look like a wallflower in these types of situations, is a huge sign that you’re an introvert.

3. When it comes to expressing your thoughts or feelings, you’re better at writing them than speaking them.

Whether it’s a birthday card, a simple to-do list, or a note used to confront someone, introverts tend to express their thoughts and feelings very thoroughly when it’s with pen and paper than a face-to-face conversation.

Here’s a personal example of my own…

When I was younger and living with my parents, my step-dad and I didn’t see eye to eye very often. I remember having to have conversations at the dinner table with him and I could never get to fully express what I wanted to say because I would leave the table in tears and run to my room. Not because I was scared or in trouble, but because I was frustrated and couldn’t get my points across.

Since then, any time that I have something serious that I need to speak about with someone (even my husband), I tend to write it all down on paper first. I make sure I get each and every one of my points out there; because I know if I try to have the entire conversation face-to-face, my mind will not be able to handle it and many things will be left unsaid.

4. Being the center of attention is not something you wish for.

Everyone wants to feel important and wants to feel seen, but introverts like to feel this from afar. For example, when you have an idea at work, you’d rather speak with your boss one-on-one (or better yet, send an email) than to bring up your suggestion during the staff meeting in front of all your co-workers.

5. You don’t always know what to say.

You’ll end a conversation and then realize what you should have said after the fact… Struggling with word retrieval is very common for introverts. Once the conversation is over, you’ll likely be able to recharge and then the right words will come to you (unfortunately, a little later than hoped for).

6. You never stop talking to yourself inside your head.

Basically, you have an inner monologue that never stops. Your mind is constantly racing and the voice inside your head is always talking to you… About the past, what you need to do the next day, something awkward you said 2 years ago… You just can’t seem to shut off your inner thoughts.

7. You work better with less social stimulation.

You’re easily distracted when working with a group of others. Things might become feeling hectic and you feel overwhelmed and unfocused. However, in solitude, you can do some of your best thinking.

8. An introvert strength: You’re very self-aware.

Because introverts spend so much time alone, they have the opportunity to really get to know themselves inside and out. Introverts enjoy gaining a deeper knowledge of themselves and their motivations. More often than not, you’ll find that introverts choose to explore hobbies and books that are of great importance to them. They know what they like.

9. You lean towards jobs that are more independent.

Introverts don’t typically apply for jobs that consist of a lot of social interaction. Careers that offer a more independent setting like an accountant, writer, or computer programmer are much more appealing to introverts. Most of us are also very much all about that work from home lifestyle.

10. You try to avoid small talk at all costs.

If you’re like me and think small talk is one of the worst things on the planet, you’re probably an introvert. There have been many instances when I open the front door and step outside to take out the trash, just to quickly walk back inside because I notice one of my neighbors out in their yard. Or what about seeing someone you know from high school…

Introverts dread that “Hi! How have you been?” small talk, so we tend to quickly look the other way and walk in a direction that we weren’t even headed, just to avoid it altogether.

Are you an introvert?

Add yourself to my mailing list for more posts regarding our amazing introvert lifestyle.

love: personal growth love: self-care

#1 Self-Care + Productivity Journal “Silk + Sonder”

Subscribe to the blog for a 15% off Silk + Sonder Journal discount code!

I’m insanely passionate about all thing’s productivity, setting goals, self-care, and mental health.

I’ve tried countless tips and tricks in the attempt to boost all of the above, and finally I stumbled upon Silk + Sonder.

Though I was skeptical at first, I read tons of real reviews from and did some research on the Silk + Sonder company.

I learned that the journal is backed by evidence-based science, powered by a huge community of wonderful and empowered people, and based on the reviews… it made an incredible impact in the lives of those who gave it a shot.

S + S was created to help lovely people like yourself prep, plan, and organize your life while also staying focused on your emotional health and allowing you to treat yourself to some (much needed) self-care.

It quickly became obvious to me that this journal was something I needed to try.

I purchased one for myself and one for my beautiful sister-in-law.

Silk + Sonder will help you…

Increase IQ and memory

Heal trauma

Reduce anxiety and stress

Build positive habits

Unlock mental clarity and focus

There are multiple subscription options available so you can do what works best for you.

For less than $20, you get an adorable journal that has been perfectly curated by proven positive psychology.

Inside are bullet journal techniques, guided prompts and self-help layouts, wellness trackers, dated calendar spreads, and so much more for easy creativity, focus, and fun.

I recommend taking just 5 minutes each day to ground yourself and get unstuck – whether your goal is to build a healthy productive routine or to find some balance in the midst of chaos.

Once you receive your journal, you’ll also get access to the exclusive Sonder App which is filled with personalized self-care activities and accountability.

I’m obsessed with my S + S journal and the way that it has completely changed my day-to-day life for the better.

I have a special code for any new S+S members to receive 15% off their journal… Subscribe to the blog to receive your code via email!

View Silk + Sonder Journal Here

love: personal growth love: self-care

How To Be Your Happiest Self

Hey lovely!

Maybe you’re reading this because you’ve been feeling kinda low lately… maybe you feel pretty happy already but have that gut feeling that something in your life is missing.

Either way, keep on reading and you’ll learn how to be your happiest self and feel completely fulfilled within your life.

First things first… you need you think of everything in your life that is not bringing you joy or purpose and let it go.

I want you to grab a pen and paper and list everything in your life that is making you feel: down, angry, scared, jealous, tired, or any other negative emotion.

Got your list?

Now cross off everything on your list that you can erase out of existence.

Not everything on your list will be something you can cross off… for example, struggling with money to pay the bills isn’t something you can just toss away and ignore.

For these things, I want you to list an action that you can take to change that thing from a negative emotion to a positive emotion.

Basically, set a goal that will eventually make it so that you are able to cross that thing off of your list.

An example of this could be: If you’re struggling with money to pay the bills, an action to take would be saving money by not getting that $9 coffee on the way to work every morning… another action could be starting a money jar and putting aside any extra change you have to begin saving.

Work towards these goals.

It can be easy to fall off and lose motivation – look back at this list and remember the reason you started it in the first place.

Next, I want you to define your true happiness.

Write down what you want in your dream life. Write down what makes you happy, what makes you feel fulfilled.

  • Is it a sense of belonging that makes you feel happy?
  • Is it the feeling of having a purpose or making an impact that makes you feel happy?
  • Is it having absolute freedom in your daily life that makes you happy?

Whatever it is, write it down. How are you supposed to be your happiest self if you can’t define what it is that will make you truly happy?

Now just like we did before, we are going to list actions that you can take to help you get to the bottom of those things that would make you happy.

Don’t think too big here, think realistic. Think of the small steps that you can take that will eventually lead to larger steps. Don’t stress yourself out by setting extreme goals – you need to take it one step at a time.

Now that you have your actions or goals that you need to take to get those things that will make you happy, you need to turn these actions into habits. Make these actions a routine in your day to day life. Make them something that you look forward to GET to do each day rather than something you’re dreading that you HAVE to do.

Here are some key tips to help you turn these actions into habits:

1. Make an appointment with yourself.

Think about it like a doctor appointment – you might not want to go but you’re still going to. You’re not just going to skip your appointment.

Set a reminder on your phone or write your action on your calendar (if you’re still old school like me and have a wall calendar on your fridge) and don’t let yourself skip this appointment for yourself.

2. Make it fun, make it relaxing.

Create a happy place, or a safe place to take your actions. Maybe you have an office that you like to do work in, maybe you like to sit on the couch with a candle and a blanket, maybe you like to go to a nearby cafe and put your headphones in. Whatever works for you and makes you excited to work on your actions.

Along with a happy place, consider the best time to take your actions. Are you most motivated in the morning when everything is still and quiet? Are you most motivated after dinner time? Be consistent and make it a routine.

3. Reward yourself!

Remember when I said to take small steps instead of setting one huge action goal?

Each time you complete one small step, cross it off. It will feel so good to see that you’re getting closer to your end goal. Each time you cross off an action, treat yourself a little.

Now we need to talk a little bit about your well-being: health and self-care

Exercising sucks (I think so at least) but let’s be honest, exercising can really help improve your mood and overall thought on life, not just your body.

Yes – exercising obviously has its physical advantages. But it also increases your mood and your energy. If you’re someone who is never active, you’re going to feel lazy and tired more often. And I have to say it… Lazy and tired people are generally not the happiest of people.

Eating right – I am a sucker for chips and salsa, popcorn, noodles, and all things unhealthy. But you need to find balance.

Eating superfoods will help your body to feel better, to look better, and be more energized. Also, the benefits that eating healthy foods has on your skin is huge. Clear skin. That right there is enough to make me happy (almost, lol).

My favorite part of this entire post… take care of yourself. Practice self-care.

Practicing self-care is no joke. It makes all the difference in your mind, body, and soul. Do things for you, things that you like, things that make you happy, things that expand your mind.

Check out this list of self-care activities you can do alone.

Okay girl. Do you have the recipe for your happiest self?

Let’s review real quick…

  • Let go of all things not bringing you joy
  • Define your true happiness
  • Set small actions to get to your big end goal
  • Turn actions into habits
  • Stay healthy
  • Practice self-care