love: self-care

Finally Say BYEEE To Your Acne

Hey lovely!

I don’t normally write about one specific product like this, but I just had to share a quick post to showcase how freakin’ amazing these acne pads are.

They’re called C of Change Clinical Peel Pads.

If you struggle with acne, you know it can be different for everyone… and what might work for one person might not work for another.

BUT you have got to give these a chance! RUN don’t walk.

I’ve dealt with acne my entire life, middle school and high school were the worst. I’m now 28 years old and of course I still have good ole’ adult acne.

I wish I could travel back in time to my high school years and get myself these acne pads… because holy moly, they actually work for me.

It’s important to know that it takes time for skin products to start working effectively – but after just one month of using these pads, my pimples are either completely gone or dried up and fading away :’)

I’ve also noticed my skin is MUCH smoother, pores look smaller, overall texture of my skin is better, and my complexion is bright and even.

The combination of Vitamin C and Salicylic Acid in these pads have made such a difference for me.

Instructions say to use them 1-2 times daily. I’ve been using them once a day and I feel that’s been a good amount for me.

A couple more amazing things I just have to throw out there:

  • This product (I think the entire FHF skincare brand, actually) is vegan, gluten-free, nut-free and cruelty-free.
  • ALSO – Every purchase that you make goes towards saving the lives of abused and neglected animals. There’s even a batch number on the bottom of each product that allows you to search which animal you helped by making that purchase. So cool.

So anyways, if you’re up for giving these C of Change Clinical Pads a shot at clearing your acne, smoothing your skin, and brightening your complexion… or if you just want some more information,

click the picture below and it’ll bring you directly to the page!