Hi, Lovely!

This is my story…

I’m Jamie, an introvert who is trying really hard to put myself out there and create the life I’ve been dreaming of.

When I initially started this blog, I kept it a complete secret. The thought of my friends and family finding out made me so anxious.

Some of you might be reading this and thinking… why be nervous about something so silly? Others know exactly what I’m talking about.

Being an introvert and starting a blog is terrifying. My first thought was that someone would find out it was me and judge me so hard for it. “What is she trying to do, be an influencer??”

Speaking of… I would just like to say that I don’t think there’s anything wrong with being an influencer. For whatever reason, the word influencer has been given a bad rep… but honestly, an influencer is a person who is brave enough to put themselves out there, attempt to help others, and create the life that they’ve always dreamed of. How can you hate on that?

Want to know why I started this blog?

I’m a planner. I love to make to-do lists, grocery lists, write things on my calendar, and all other things that ‘planners’ love to do.

In August 2021, I married my amazing husband. It was an incredible day, but once it was over, I realized the wedding planning was over as well.

I really missed wedding planning. Friends would tell me to consider become a wedding planner. Makes sense right??

Nooo, jump back to the part where I said I’m an introvert. Meeting with couples and each of their vendors, going out into public places by myself to get things ready for their big day… it all makes me a nervous wreck just thinking about it.

I’m also a writer. I have always loved writing. Dating back to when I was in elementary school and would use 3-ring binders to put together ‘books’ I would make, then force my grandma to read them after I was finished.

Sorry, I’m rambling. Back to the point. I’m an introvert, a planner, and a writer. It finally clicked. I decided to start a wedding planning blog.

I spent hours every day, for weeks, trying to put together my website. I had no clue what I was doing, so it started off with a lot of research. Seriously, a ton and it took me forever. I wanted to do this right. Finally, Love You I Mean It was born.

After working on this wedding blog for some time, I realized I had so much more information I wanted to give. I’m not only passionate about weddings, but I’m also passionate about self-care, personal growth, and living your dream.

After getting advice from some amazing fellow bloggers and life coaches, I decided it was time for me to get myself out there and introduce myself… so here I am adding this about me page to my blog. Maybe eventually I’ll muscle up the courage to share my website on my personal social media accounts – eeeeek.

If you’re a person looking for inspiration or advice in wedding planning, a person who is interested in starting your own blog and learning how to live your dream life, or if you’re a person who is just curious about this journey that I’m on, follow along and I promise I’ll try to help, teach, and entertain you along the way.

Love You I Mean It aside… Who am I??

I’m 28 years old and live in the wonderful, but cold, state of Wisconsin with my handsome hubby and my (cuddly/clingy) labradoodle, Otto. Yep, I’m a dog mom! Hoping to have human babies of my own one day – until then, dog mom it is.

I love the Green Bay Packers, I’m a huge Hilary Duff fanatic (this is what dreams are made of), and salt and vinegar chips are the way to my heart.

I’m super into skincare (after all, 30 is approaching quickly) and all things self-care related. Candles, fuzzy blankets, therapeutic massages, and drinking my weight in ounces of water everyday are all so important to me.

When I’m not working on this blog or hanging with my husband and dog, you’ll find me on the couch binging a series on Netflix, Hulu, or HBO. I’m always looking for a new series to watch… If you have any recommendations please leave them in the comments! I’d love to check them out 🙂

Hmm what else… I always have a snack in my hand. I’m not a huge meal person, but I need to be snacking constantly. Usually chips and salsa, popcorn, milk and oreos… but then I’ll feel guilty and steam some broccoli. Really, I’ll eat just about anything. Who’s with me? Un-picky eaters unite!

That’s about it! I’m excited to continue this journey and meet all of you beautiful souls during the adventure. Thanks for following along; don’t be afraid to reach out with any questions or comments.

*virtual hugs*