love: personal growth love: self-care

Why You Should Join The 6:00 AM Club

Just looking at that gif makes me tired!

I know how wonderful it feels to stay in your warm bed as long as possible… especially if it’s still dark outside.

But waking up at 6:00 AM or earlier has so many benefits.

I wasn’t always a morning person. I used to enjoy staying up past midnight and sleeping until 11:00 AM. But let me tell you, I’m so glad I changed that habit!

WHY should you start waking up at 6:00 AM you ask? Let me give you some of the best benefits that waking up earlier has for your mind, body and soul.

Go to sleep earlier

Okay, to some this might not seem like a benefit. However, going to bed at a decent time (yes, definitely before midnight) will allow you to wake up earlier while still getting the amount of sleep your body and mind needs to function properly.

Having a regular and healthy sleep cycle really is crucial to how each day will be.

Healthy breakfast

It’s not a myth, breakfast really is the most important meal of the day. Eating a healthy breakfast kickstarts your metabolism, which helps you burn your calories during the day. Eating a healthy breakfast also gives you the energy that you need to do and feel your best all day long.

Before I started waking up earlier, I would skip breakfast because I wouldn’t allow myself the time to eat before going to work. On the weekends, I would skip breakfast all together because I would sleep end up sleeping through it and waking for lunch.

Increased energy + productivity

Many of the most successful people report that they wake up before 6:00 AM. Have you ever heard the line “the early bird gets the worm?” It’s true!

Not only is your brain most alert in the morning – but there are way less distractions in the morning when the rest of the world is sound asleep.

This might sound odd, but my favorite time to get work done or household chores finished is on Saturday and Sunday mornings. I actually enjoy waking up bright and early on the weekends to watch the sunset and get things done before everyone else wakes up.

It just feels like a great start to my day.

You’ll be more organized

Seriously! Picture yourself when your last alarm goes off… you can’t hit snooze anymore or else you’ll literally be late for work.

You rush in and out of the shower, rush getting dressed and ready (I hate this, nothing worse than having no time to get ready and feeling like you look sluggish all day) and rush out of the house to get to work on time. Without eating breakfast, I might add – remember that’s the most important meal of the day you’re missing out on!

Waking up earlier gives you the time to be organized in the morning and rid yourself of that yucky rushed feeling.

You’re less likely to forget anything and more likely to feel ready and dressed for success because you actually had the time to prepare for your day.

Quiet time is sooo good for the soul

Like I mentioned before, I love waking up early when the rest of the world is sound asleep.

There’s a real appreciation that you can gain for the peacefulness of a quiet morning to yourself.

For example, when I was younger and lived with my parents, I remember thinking my mom was crazy for waking up at 5:00 AM only to sit in her recliner, sip her coffee, and read the newspaper.

But now I understand why she did that… that quiet time is like no other. It’s a great time to be alone with your thoughts and maybe sneak in some meditation for a great day.

Maybe the least exciting but one of the most important… Exercise

Most of us are not fond of exercising. I’m sure not, but I’m working on it.

Waking up early gives you the opportunity to get in a quick 20-minute workout before showering and starting your day.

If you try to go for a run or hit the gym after a long day… chances are the little devil on your shoulder will win the fight and you’ll go home to your couch instead – because let’s face it, that sounds great.

Exercising in the morning is a great habit to have because it really kickstarts your day and gets you up, motivated, and energized.

Have I convinced you yet?? Waking up early can actually be amazing and might be just the change you need in your life.

This can be a difficult change to make, but it’s possible and so worth it! Here are a few quick tips to help you join that 6:00 AM Club:

  1. Start slowly – If you normally wake up at 9:00 AM, don’t switch to 6:00 AM right away. Start getting up a half hour early each day and ease into it.

  2. Go to sleep earlier! Sounds obvious but I just had to throw it out there. If you’re waking up earlier, you neeeeed to go to sleep earlier to keep a healthy sleep cycle.

  3. Put your phone down and try reading a book in bed. Studies show that being on your phone before bed can actually make it harder to fall asleep once you put it down. Find a book that sounds interesting to you. Once you get through a few pages, you’ll likely feel sleepy.

  4. Make sure you want it… If you don’t believe waking up earlier will actually improve your day to day life, you won’t have the willpower to make the change. Remind yourself of all the benefits of getting up earlier and remember the things you’ll have time to do and enjoy before starting your day.

  5. Step out of bed! If you alarm is right next to your bed, it can be so easy to just hit snooze and fall back asleep. Don’t do that! Set your alarm or phone (if you use your phone alarm) on the other side of the room so that you are forced to get out of bed to shut it off. Why not stay up and start your day since you’re already out of bed anyways?

Feeling motivated yet??
Join that 6:00 AM Club, girl!

love: personal growth love: self-care

10 Things You’re Not Doing That Are Killing Your Productivity

I love a lazy Sunday spent binging Netflix on the couch as much as the next gal, but I know how important it is to stay productive. I’m not saying you should quit your lazy Sundays all together (I know I won’t!) but allow yourself to have a good mix of ambition in with it.

We all have dreams, right? Even if we don’t think about them every day, we all have things that we desire and a life that we wish for.

I have a powerful little equation for you:
Self-care + mindset = productivity = success

You read that right. Achieving your dreams starts with self-care.

I’ll say it again… achieving your dreams starts with self-care. This is so important.

In order to live your best life and find success, you need to be productive. In order to be productive, you need to have the right mindset… Finding the right mindset only happens when you truly take care of yourself.

If I was a grumpy, sad, glass half-empty kind of person, I would not be doing what I am doing right now. Instead, I make time for me and practice self-care so that I can show up here on my blog, do what I love, and create my dream life.

Here are 10 things you’re probably not doing that are totally killing your productivity. I’ll let you take a guess what #1 is…

#1 Practice Self-Care

Woohooo! You guessed right, right?

Have you ever been neck deep in life, stressed out, feeling like you just can’t catch a break? Working too hard nonstop can cause you to burn out.

Whether you’re working too hard at your 9-5 job, working too hard at home for your family each night, or even if you have your own blog and you’re working too hard to constantly try and make your blog better… you need to make yourself a priority.

If a nap is what you need, nap. If you could benefit from a professional massage, book the massage. If you just need a night to yourself to binge Netflix and eat salt and vinegar chips, do that.

The point is, do not forget to take care of yourself. You need to be healthy and happy before you can put all of your focus into something else to create your dream life. Find balance.

#2 Set Goals

Take a moment and jot down your dream. Now jot down some of the things you need to accomplish before you can get there. Next, identify how you can accomplish each of those tasks to get you one step closer to living your dream. These are your goals.

Instead of setting 1 or 2 huge goals, set 8-10 smaller goals to reach those big ones.

You’ll feel accomplished and motivated each time you reach a goal.

#3 Reward Yourself

Okay, this sort of ties in with self-care… I just really love self-care, okay?

But no, this is a little different. Self-care is something you should always work on for yourself no matter what. Rewarding yourself because you reached one of your goals brings you a sense of accomplishment and honor.

When setting your goals, write down next to each one what you can reward yourself with. This can be something as simple as making popcorn and renting a new Redbox movie or purchasing a new pair of jeans that you’ve been eyeing up.

Reward yourself and celebrate you getting one step closer to achieving your dreams.

#4 Rid Yourself of Distractions

This one sounds like a no-brainer, but it’s something I struggle with all the time.

Distractions aren’t only the TV being on in the background… for me it’s having my phone next to me, my Apple watch on and vibrating every time I get a notification, and my husband being home. Yep, my husband is my biggest distraction (sorry babe).

Create a distraction-free space for yourself.

I like to light a candle, get comfortable with a fuzzy blanket, and focus in a room by myself.

I realize we all have very different goals – getting comfortable and lighting a candle might not help you achieve your goals, but my goal is creating quality content for you lovlies, so it’s a yes for me!

Either way, just give yourself space to really focus.

#5 Figure Out Your Peak Hours

I am an early bird… definitely not a night owl. Therefore, if I try to be productive any time after 8:00 PM, I’ll no doubt be a struggle bus.

To be productive, you need to figure out when your peak hours are and aim to get your tasks done during those hours.

If you’re a person who has the hardest time waking up in the morning, being productive before the afternoon hits probably isn’t your best bet.

My peak times are 30 minutes after I wake up, and then again immediately after dinner. What are your peak times?

#6 Get Some Vitamin D

Did you know that vitamin D can almost immediately increase your energy levels?

Whether you’re sitting on the deck soaking up some sunshine or taking vitamin D supplements, you’re sure to combat fatigue and improve your overall health.

#7 Breaks Are Powerful

When some people think “productive”, they think you need to be working for your goals constantly. That’s not the case. Productivity is about working efficiently, not continuously.

Make scheduled breaks for yourself throughout the day. For example, every hour on the hour, allow yourself 5 minutes for an active break.

Yes, I said active. Don’t let yourself fall into a trap and get tired on your break. Try going for a little walk to boost your energy.

Coming back from a break is like hitting restart. You’ll be able to sit back down with a fresh mind and be more productive than if you were tired and burnt out from working too long.

#8 Routines Are Key

Have you ever heard the saying that it takes 21 days to make a habit out of something? Well, that’s a great start… but actually, studies show that it takes 66 days to build a new habit.

Set a goal for yourself to get to work during your peak hours every day.

Think of that time as an appointment that you have with yourself that you can’t miss – just like if you had a doctor appointment.

If you continue to (hate to say it but…) force yourself to focus and work on your goals during those same times every day, it will stop becoming a daunting task and start becoming more of a fundamental part of a your daily life.

#9 Sleep Is Goooood

I’m not good at this one… but I try. I think every knows how important sleep is for your mind, body, and soul. But some of us over-achievers tend to put sleep on the backburner in order for us to complete more tasks.

Here’s the thing: Sleep deprivation completely destroys productivity.

Most adults need 6-8 hours of sleep each night. Your brain will not work correctly and up to your highest standards if it is tired, stressed, and overworked.

Make sure you allow time for yourself to chill out, take work off your mind, and relax.

Have a hard time clearing your mind and falling asleep at night? Try lavender scented candles to promote relaxation. Another good strategy is to stay off your phone right before bed! Your device actually has a ton of power over your sleep pattern.

#10 Find Passion in What You’re Doing

I know not all of your goals are something that you LOVE to do. But try to think of the positives and remind yourself of the good that will come by achieving your goals.

I’ll use myself as an example.

If I was writing this blog post about cars, I would dread every minute of it. I don’t know anything about cars and I don’t care to learn about them either, lol.

Instead, my blog focuses on self-growth and wedding planning. Two things that I am passionate about.

Not only do I get to talk about topics that I love, but I also get to help my readers in the process, and that’s something I really love.

If you find passion in what you’re doing, it’ll make it easier for you to work towards. You’ll actually enjoy doing it. 🙂

Now work towards those dreams, girl!

love: weddings

Destination Weddings… Worth The Hype?

A topic that has left engaged couples hemming and hawing: destination weddings.

When my husband and I first started our wedding planning, he was totally into the idea of having a destination wedding… I on the other hand was so not into it. Now that we’re married, and our wedding day has come and gone (wouldn’t trade it for anything, best day ever), I can definitely see why some couples choose to have a destination wedding.

Like just about everything else in the world of wedding planning, destination weddings have their lists of pros and cons – but overall, it comes down to one question… Is it right for you?


  1. Wedding + Vacation All-In-One

    Maybe the most obvious pro… Who doesn’t love a vacation? Of course, this is great for yourself and your significant other, but think about how excited your guests will be to realize they get a bonus vacation when they attend your wedding!

    Not everyone gets the opportunity to get together with their best friends and family and go far away to luxury land of relaxation and enjoy time together – this is it folks.

  2. Less Is More

    Planning a wedding consists of so many things. One of the biggest stressors on your to-do list might be decor.

    Now imagine getting married in a beautiful place like Jamacia; the ocean will most likely be your backdrop for the ceremony.

    If you’re getting married at a resort, the resort itself most likely has gorgeous lush gardens, beaches, etc. so you really won’t need to focus much at all on your own decor.

  3. Built-In Honeymoon

    As soon as the party is over, you and your new spouse don’t have to deal with travel for your honeymoon. You’re already there and ready to relax and enjoy your time together as newlyweds.

    You can enjoy your honeymoon in a couple different ways – continue to spend time with your friends and family who joined you in celebrating your wedding day, or you might opt for some special alone time. Either way is possible when you have a destination wedding.

  4. More Affordable

    Believe it or not, but destination weddings are generally less expensive. Granted you have to take flights and hotel/resort stays into account, but most resorts offer incredible deals when you’re traveling for your wedding.

    Be sure to ask the resort about wedding packages; many offer packages that include photography, food, free night stays, and more.

    When you consider all of the separate charges you’ll have for a wedding in your hometown, destination weddings can definitely be the more affordable route.

    >> Check out these fast and easy side hustles to save some extra cash for your wedding and honeymoon <<

  5. Intimate Celebration

    Lots of couples struggle with their guest list. Whether they have to fit a large number of guests into a limited capacity venue, or if they’re trying to find the right words to let their fifty 2nd and 3rd cousins know that they aren’t invited… setting your guest list is stressful.

    Having a destination wedding is a great excuse for only inviting those friends and family members that you feel especially close to; no need to invite your Great Aunt Karen that you haven’t heard from in 10 years.


  1. Planning Can Be Challenging

    Wedding planning can be challenging in general… add a foreign country to the mix and you’re sure to deal with a few extra dilemmas.

    Meeting with vendors is an important aspect in wedding planning, but when you’re getting married somewhere far away it can be impossible to meet you vendors in advance.

    Of course, communicating with your vendors via email or phone might be possible, but also consider that there may be language barrier depending on where you’re headed to.

    Destination weddings can also be more challenging if you are not familiar with the area. Planning transportation, timing out the routes, and reserving stays for your guest can all be more difficult if you don’t know your way around.

  2. Not All Your Guests Can Make It

    If you’re looking for a more intimate wedding celebration, a destination wedding might work great for you. However, if you’ve always wanted a huge wedding with 300+ guests, you might want to rethink the ‘destination’ part. In most cases, destination weddings do not have the capacity for a larger scale wedding.

    Also consider which of your guests might not be able to make it for their own personal reasons. Destination weddings require your guests to take time off from work, find childcare (dog-sitter in my world), and have the funds for plane flights, hotel, etc. Aside from those types of personal reasons, remember the guests that might not be physically able to travel far away.

    One of the main reasons I decided against a destination wedding was because my grandma would not be able to make it for health reasons… and it was so important to me that she be there on my wedding day.

  3. Be Aware of Fraudulence

    Many people don’t realize just how common this is. Not having much knowledge of the area, resort, and the local vendors you may be using can lead to you being scammed.

    It sounds like a no-brainer, but do your fair share of research before committing or signing any contracts. Having a professional wedding planner is a great help! Most wedding planners with a lot of experience will have connections with vendors in popular wedding destination countries.
love: inspiration love: personal growth

Easy Side Hustles For Every Personality

A ‘side hustle’ is defined as:
A part-time job or occupation undertaken in addition to one’s regular employment.

Basically, a side hustle is work that you do on the side of your normal job for some extra money.

Having a ‘side hustle’ has become an incredibly common thing in today’s world… When the price of nearly everything has gone up (like, right now) who doesn’t want a little extra spending cash or some extra help getting the bills paid??

If you’re anything like myself, you’re working a 9-5 job, craving something more in life, and if that extra something includes an opportunity for added income… well, then that’s a huge bonus.

Money isn’t everything – but most of us know how stressful it can be to not have enough to get by. If you can start a side hustle that’s related to something that brings you happiness, that’s amazing.

Side Hustle Idea #1

Selling items on Facebook Marketplace.

How it works:
Becoming a seller on Facebook Marketplace is actually extremely easy. You’ll of course need a Facebook account… Once you’re logged in, access the Facebook Marketplace my clicking on the icon.

You’ll want to take decent photos of whatever you’re selling.

Really the options are almost endless. You can sell clothing, household appliances, kid’s toys, dog beds, video games, house decor, and what I’m starting to work on right now... your old wedding decor.

Once you take a photo of the item(s) you want to sell, just set your price!

This side hustle is good for people who:
Have a Facebook account, of course
Are willing to separate themselves with certain items
Have too many clothes in their closet and could benefit from a closet clean-out

Selling your unwanted items can bring you both extra cash and happiness. I know I’d love to get rid of some old home decor and clothes that I haven’t worn in over a year… But making money while I do it? YES!

Girl, grab a box and start going through that closet.

Side Hustle Idea #2

Become a delivery driver.

Okay, now I’ll be honest, at first I felt like this definitely was not the side hustle for me.

First of all, I’m a huge introvert. Going into restaurants or grocery stores to pick up items and then deliver them to a person’s house sounds equally awkward and terrifying to me.

Secondly, I get super anxious driving places that I’m not super familiar with.

However, I gave this side hustle a little more thought… and I realized how much fun it could be to go basically go “shopping” with my husband and then drive around to deliver the food or items with him.

Doing this together not only rids myself of the fear of going places alone, but it also counts as a fun little date night once a week!

How it works:
This is different with each company that you decide to apply for, but check out their website and you’ll be instructed on how to become a driver for their company.

Companies to check out:
Food Dudes
Door Dash
Grub Hub
Walmart Delivery

This side hustle is good for people who:
Have a car, obviously
Are comfortable with shopping by themselves
Are comfortable with following directions and driving alone
Have a significant other or friend to join them for the fun

Side Hustle Idea #3

Complete surveys online.

This might not be the highest paying side job out there… but it sure ranks high on the easy list.

Literally all you need is a way to get onto the internet and some free time and you’re good to go!

Website to check out that are actually legit:
Survey Junkie
Zap Surveys
Life Points
Inbox Dollars
Opinion Outpost

This side hustle is good for people who:
Enjoy staying home, sitting on the couch, and answering simple questions about your lifestyle or your opinion on various topics.

Side Hustle Idea #4

Proofread papers.

I’ll start off by saying this side hustle definitely isn’t for everyone… but for the right person, this side hustle can be amazing.

If you’re a grammar nerd like myself, you’ll appreciate sitting at your computer, correcting people’s grammar mistakes, and getting paid for it.

Online companies to apply at:
Polish Paper
Proofreading Services
Lion Bridge

This side hustle is good for people who:
Want to stay at home while they work
Have education in proofreading
Are just really, really good with pointing out spelling and punctuation errors

Side Hustle Idea #5

Selling T-Shirts.

This one is actually really cool! It sounds way more complicated than it is, I promise.

Have you ever heard of the website Printify? Me neither until recently. Printify has tons of products like t-shirts, coffee mugs, and socks that are blank and ready for you to customize.

Printify has a free generator that allows you to upload your own design (so cool right?) to get printed onto your shirt, mug, etc. is an amazing website where you can design your own images, logos, or even just quotes with a super cute background. I can’t say enough how much I love this website! I literally use it almost every day to design my social media images for this blog and for my regular 9-5 job. Canva is free but has options to upgrade. Use Canva to make your design and then upload it to Printify.

Once you’re happy with your design and your product of choice, promote your product on your website or onine store such as Etsy. Printify does the rest of the work for you! They print, package your product, and get it shipped out for delivery.

You pay the base price for the shirt (or whatever product) and then keep the profit of the sale! So cool!

This side hustle is good for people who:
Enjoy creating designs
Have an imagination or open mind
Have really cool design ideas in their head already!

Well, are you ready to start that side hustle?!

While there are so many side hustles out there for you to choose from, I hope this list helped you. Whether it gave you a little insight, helped you find a side hustle that really works for you, or even just increased your motivation.

Put your free time to good use and make some extra money for yourself to put towards that car payment, buy those boujie skincare products you’ve been eyeing up, or start that life you’ve always dreamed of.

You can do it!